CM Style Squad
Your secret weapon to unlocking your personal style and wardrobe confidence.
Learn how to identify your body shape, shop smarter, style what you already own and dress with confidence. Every. Damn. Day.
Identify your body shape and proportions.
Stop wasting money on clothes you never wear.
Get dressed with confidence every day.

How does the CM Style Squad work?
As soon as you subscribe you will receive my members-only ‘Body Shape and Basics Bible’ eBook as well as a link to our exclusive Facebook group. You will have unprecedented access to me via our Facebook group for those quick style questions as well as a community of likeminded women to share and connect with.
You’ll also receive fortnightly newsletters full of tips, tricks and style advice. Every week I share an exclusive style video and you will have complete access to the library of past videos to watch at your leisure – there are over 60 videos, and counting!
There are printable resources and worksheets to reinforce all the topics we cover plus we also look at monthly focus topics and seasonal trend reviews. Members also receive exclusive shopping discounts for great Australian brands via the CMSS Perks Program.
Invest in you!
"Being a part of the CMSS is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only am I so much more confident in my own style, but I am part of such a beautiful community of women that are dedicated to lifting each other up. Caitlin has created the perfect space for women to explore different avenues of themselves through their personal style, and has created a cheer squad to help with everyone's confidence. It's the best club ever and I love being part of it. pretty sure I'll be a life long member."
~ Kelly
Meet Caitlin Marwaha
The CMSS is the next best thing to having me as your live-in Personal Stylist. Think of me as your stylist on speed dial!
I created the CM Style Squad to help, support and educate women to feel confident enough to wear whatever they want. I am passionate about teaching women how to style their own individual body shape, because with that knowledge comes confidence, and with confidence? Style FREEDOM.
With over 10 years’ experience as a Personal Stylist, I have covered everything from Television Styling, Editorial Styling, Special Event Styling, Wardrobe Consulting, Group Styling Sessions, Visual Merchandising and One-on-One Personal Styling & Shopping.
I have worked with hundreds of women of all ages, body shapes and lifestyles; from celebrities to new mums, corporate career women to university students. And the most common hurdle that all these women faced? Not feeling confident enough to wear what they really wanted. It is this experience that makes me confident in knowing I can support YOU in your style journey as well.

The CMSS is all about empowering YOU to learn what works for your body and why.

"Being a part of the Style Squad has been just what I needed to get my confidence back and find my style. Thanks to Caitlin, I am spending less money on clothes I rarely wear, and feel that I am getting more use out of what I do own! It is more than just a place to discuss buying new clothing, and I really enjoy seeing the other members share their outfits, individual styles and stories that often go with them! I love that we are a community who can support each other to take chances and try something new!"
~ Hana
What’s inside the CM Style Squad
A copy of my comprehensive ‘Body Shape and Basics Bible’ eBook
A supportive and active online community
Weekly ‘Members Only’ style videos and Fortnightly Newsletters
All Access Pass to me and my extensive styling experience
Masterclasses including Online Group Coaching
Discounts and exclusive special offers on my services & programs
I am plus size, will this group still work for me?
I love fashion and feel confident with my style, can I still join?
Do I need to have Facebook to join?
What if I want to cancel my membership?
Is there an age limit for members? I’m worried I will be the oldest?

"I love all your tips as there is always something for everyone no matter your size or shape! For the first time I feel great about myself and have confidence in what I choose to wear"
- Fleur, CMSS Member

"For the first time in as long as I can remember, I am happy with everything that is in my wardrobe. This is wholly due to Caitlin and this group"
- Ashley, CMSS Member

"I never even used to like looking in the mirror, now I take pictures of my outfits and post them in our group every week!"
- Kylie K, CMSS Member